Weeding down at Hamanatua stream
Te Kura
Ko Maunga Roa te
Ko Te Poho-o-Rawiri te
Ko Hamanatua te
Hamanatua is our Kaitiaki.Our school are like the guardians of Hamanatua because we are the guardians of it we must look after it that is why we weed,mulch,and check on the native plants down at the stream.As you can see that's in our school pepeha.
After walking up the footpath.My first reactions were "We're never gonna get this finished".I couldn't even see any of the native plants with all the fennel."All right everyone get to work",said Koka Jo and Koka Jodie.We all started walking around the native plants as we walked we had kinda squashed the fennel so you could see the plants.After a while we started using the spades to cut the fennel.Then we pulled the mulch back around the tree in a donut shape so it doesn't burn the plants.