Tuesday, 17 September 2019

GEGNZ Google Summit in Auckland

Last Friday eight lucky learners from our school, including me, got to go to a Google Summit.We got to share our presentation with other learners and also did many another workshops. I got to go to Makey Makey and Ozo-bot's.

Makey Makey was cool because you got to play the piano using playdough and alligator clips.

Ozo-bots was my favourite. We each got given a tiny robot. We used theses markers and drew codes. The robots would follow the codes and do things like spins and lots of cool stuff.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Te Poho Rawiri Marae

Last Thursday we went to stay at the Te Poho Rawiri marae .We learnt lots about it's history. Once we arrived the tangata whenua welcomed us on to the marae .They then told us about all the patterns that told stories that had been carved into the the marae. The marae is currently  eighty nine years old .It's turning ninety years old soon. Once you have been welcomed onto the marae it becomes your marae.
So you become apart of it.

After the powhiri we spent the day doing fun traditional maori activities .We got to weave some harakeke .We go to make some cool maori tuku tuku patterns .Me and my group had so much fun .
We learnt so many new things .After a yummy dinner we performed kapa haka to  parents that come  along to watch the performance. The jump jam team and I also did a dance .

Overall I had an awesome trip at the marae apart from the sleep and getting woken up at 3 am in the morning. It was an amazing place to visit .Especially because I hadn't been to the marae before either.
Here is some pictures of our stay at the marae.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Planting on The Land's Wetland

On Tuesday we went up to a farm in Whangara .We planted 350 native plants .We planted from the shade house .We planted harakeke (flax) ,cabbage trees .We were even lucky enough to go docking. If you don't know what docking is it's like clipping the lambs ears and putting rings the lambs tails .