Wednesday, 4 December 2019

Term 4 has came to a end

Culture city
We have been learning about lots of cultures this term. Our theme this term has been culture city. We have been learning about the arts ( dance, drama, Music and Visual arts). We have also been making many paper dolls depending on which culture we picked.Here are some pictures of what I did.

We were lucky enough this term to participate in the Turanganui Kapa Haka Festival. Click on the link for information about it.

Craft Fair
We had the school gala .Moana learning hub sold cakes and baking. It was a very fun gala overall we 
managed to raise 15,000 dollars for the school.
Intermediate day
 Last Tuesday we got to go visit our intermediate.We had a fun day getting a tour around the school with our friends and getting to do some experimenting with science and doing some art.

 Road Patrols day Reward 
Last Thursday all the road partrolers got to go and spend the day at the Olympic pools. We all got a reward for doing our job. We got to have endless turns on the hydro slide and diving pools and even free pizza. Over all it has been an amazing term and year unfortunately it has came

Overall it has been an amazing term unfortunately it has came to an end. I've gotten to do so much cool opportunities at W.B.S ( Wainui Beach School) this term.

Thursday, 21 November 2019

Turanganui Kapa haka festival 2019

                                                Turanganui Kapa Haka Festival 2019
  Turanganui Festival is a big event  that is held on the 20th of November , where schools and kapa haka groups share their kapa haka performances to their family and friends . We were lucky enough to take part in this event with the help of our coach Koka Terri. Many schools around Gisborne even kindergartens took part in this.

Butterflies fly around in my stomach , the sound of applause fluttered throughout the room after the Wai syndicate performed. We soon tip-toed around to the back of the stage. Silently watching the group before us.  "Here we have Wainui Beach School, give them around of applause ", said the man in an enthusiastic tone. As we walked onto the stage with discipline ,the cheerful applauses flew through out the room. I was in my line waiting then I hear the sound of the guitar strumming. The room is filled with dead silence.

As I walked forward to the sound of the guitar I opened my mouth and sang to the song Tu mai ra. It looked like there were millions of eyes watching me . " Whakapiri, " Matiria said in strong voice.  We then went into a small crowd rapping Haramai a paoa. Everybody was so nervous so we sounded like we were doing a really fast rap. We then spreaded out into our lines. I was in the front row so I was very, very nervous . As I did the actions my piu piu moved with us .As we sang Utaina we transitioned with the boys so they could do their haka. After the haka we walked forwards in between the boys singing Wainui e. We than all sang He Honore  together and walked off. As we walked of the applause was buzzing through out room.

I was so happy that it was finally over the butterflies had left my stomach. I was feeling proud of the way we performed. Over all I think we did amazing. All of the practices payed off.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

GEGNZ Google Summit in Auckland

Last Friday eight lucky learners from our school, including me, got to go to a Google Summit.We got to share our presentation with other learners and also did many another workshops. I got to go to Makey Makey and Ozo-bot's.

Makey Makey was cool because you got to play the piano using playdough and alligator clips.

Ozo-bots was my favourite. We each got given a tiny robot. We used theses markers and drew codes. The robots would follow the codes and do things like spins and lots of cool stuff.

Monday, 16 September 2019

Te Poho Rawiri Marae

Last Thursday we went to stay at the Te Poho Rawiri marae .We learnt lots about it's history. Once we arrived the tangata whenua welcomed us on to the marae .They then told us about all the patterns that told stories that had been carved into the the marae. The marae is currently  eighty nine years old .It's turning ninety years old soon. Once you have been welcomed onto the marae it becomes your marae.
So you become apart of it.

After the powhiri we spent the day doing fun traditional maori activities .We got to weave some harakeke .We go to make some cool maori tuku tuku patterns .Me and my group had so much fun .
We learnt so many new things .After a yummy dinner we performed kapa haka to  parents that come  along to watch the performance. The jump jam team and I also did a dance .

Overall I had an awesome trip at the marae apart from the sleep and getting woken up at 3 am in the morning. It was an amazing place to visit .Especially because I hadn't been to the marae before either.
Here is some pictures of our stay at the marae.

Thursday, 5 September 2019

Planting on The Land's Wetland

On Tuesday we went up to a farm in Whangara .We planted 350 native plants .We planted from the shade house .We planted harakeke (flax) ,cabbage trees .We were even lucky enough to go docking. If you don't know what docking is it's like clipping the lambs ears and putting rings the lambs tails .

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

GEGNZ Summit in Auckland

Last term I was selected to got to a Google summit in Auckland. We have to use an app and create a presentation of our history or our family's history . We also have to show people how to use the app.We showing other e our Geo tools .Also known as Geography tools. I am using Tour Creator to display my presentation. I have almost completed it.We are leaving to go to Auckland next thursday .

Thursday, 8 August 2019

Conrad's Cooper's last

In my reading group we have been reading this book called Conrad's Cooper's last stand. Conrad's Cooper's Last Stand is about a boy called Conrad his parents are having some problems. His teacher at school read a book to him about Tane Mahuta. For people who don't know who he is a Maori God of nature like animals,plants,forests. In the book that the teacher read to him has Tane Mahuta. Conrad has recentley believed in Tane Mahuta.He has reached out to Tane Mahuta to help him with his parents problems.He has also made a kinda friend but he's second guessing it. I defenitely recommend reading this book, because it is interesting and makes you wanna read more.

Thursday, 25 July 2019

Equilateral Triangle

 In EL4 Maths strand ,we have been learning about angles, in particular different types of triangles. Today we had to draw a Equilateral triangle. Equilateral triangles must have the same length on each side. Equilateral triangles add up to 180 degree. It should have 60 degrees on each side of the triangle. By the way, this triangle is 2 D.3x60=180 degree. All my sides were 60 degree but we had to measure in cm too.I got 5 cm on the bottom line and 5.5 cm on the right hand side,an 5.5cm on the left hand side. I measured my angles using a protractor. If you don't know what a protractor is, it's a measuring tool used to measure angles. Here's my try to a perfect triangle.

Friday, 5 July 2019

Term two has came to an end!!!

Term two was a blast!This terms focus was retro tech.Which is old technology.We got to learn what it was like without technology.We also  got to go to the Museum of Technology.There were sheds filled with old retro things.

Down at Hamanatua ,we have been mulching and weeding ,we put a lot of Mahi into it.To keep it looking nice and tidy,there was a jungle of fennel from all the rain we had. Kauri also came and helped with Ocean and Swish.

This term the jump jam team and I have practicing hard for the regional jump jam competition.We went away for a night and we came home with 1st place and a trophy.We were so proud and happy after we won.The practice payed off.We might be going to Nationals for Jump Jam in November.

In moana learning hub The level three writing group have been writing a chapter called escape from Kraznir.We have only completed the first chapter.If your wondering what Escape from Kranzir it is a fantasy/adventure writing activity.You get to create  our character which is you with powers too.You also get to pick two characters out of four for your team of spies.So there are two kingdoms one is called Castle Krill.King Krill is currently the king.Nothing ever grows.Then there's Slinsil which is a kingdom with kind and wealthy people.Both of the kingdoms are split by a river.Slinsil has been hearing rumors that Kraznir is going to attack so you and your team of spies have to go steal the battle plans. We have also done some pieces of art.

We also had Harold and Anna in the life education truck teach us how to make good choices and what real friends are and what to do in situations that might happen life.

Wheels day.
Koka Terri recently had some po (posts) put up by some of her land that was given to her family during war.No one wanted to go to war but when Koka Terri's family they said yes we will go.So they went off to war and came back,because there bravery and that the fought in war they got some land given to them and they still have it.So in MLH we got to bring anything we wanted as long as it had wheels.I brought along a bike.

We also had a woman called Anna teach us first aid which could come really handy.We learnt the
doctor's alphabet.A is airway,B is breathe,C is circulation,D is danger,S is send help and R is response.I can't remember that rest.

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Celebrating Matariki

Last Friday our buddy class come in to Moana two and we got together with our buddies and did some fun Matariki activities.We got to choose from making fairy bread to 2-D star with toothpicks and marshmellows,or colouring in.Here are some photos of us celebrating Matariki.For those who don't know what Matariki is Maori New year.It happens on the 25th of June.The seven Matariki stars are a mother and her seven daughters.Matariki is the mother.Theirs,Tupuanuku,Waiti and Waita,Teuruangi,Ururangi,Waipunarangi.

A trip to the past

This term's focus at our school is retro tech.Me and my group got a retro calculator we were very confused at first with what it was.But after researching we found out.

Last Thursday we went to the Museum of Technology.There were so many sheds filled of retro things like washing machines,kitchens,salons,calculators,army tanks,and fire trucks.I couldn't believe that the used that and  stuff like 30 years ago.Technology has evolved a lot since then.Here are some pictures from the Museum.

Friday, 31 May 2019

El4 Maths strand castify

Hello, for El4 maths strand we wanted to find out how long it took us to run 1km and 100 meters.It took me 5:13 to run 1 km and 15 seconds to run 100m.But I wanted to know how many km I could run per hour.I also wanted to know how many meters I could run per hour .Here is my screen castify to show you my working out.Hope you like it.

Friday, 24 May 2019

A fish in a tree

In Moana learning Hub we have been reading a book about a girl called Ally that has dyslexia and we also have to some activities to do based on the book for one of the activities it was make a poem using the quote A Fish in a Tree.Here is mine I did a draft and then published it on a slide.Here's mine hope you enjoy it.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Trip to electric Village to visit the FUTURE!

On Thursday we went and visited Electric Village.Electric Village as a company selling Electric cars,bikes,scooters,motorbikes. They are company trying to make the environment a better place by using electric powered cars instead of gas and petrol.

I learnt that electric cars are much better than petrol powered cars.Electric cars only cost 88 cents to charge it and soon they are going to put electric pads in the roads to charge your as you driving.Also by using electric cars you are making the environment a better place.

We also got to see what our future will be like.We got ride an electric scooter,draw on a ipad that was connected to the robot so the robot was making the pattern that we drew on the ipad.Here's some pictures of the Electric Village.

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

How to blog like a boss

Today I will be showing how to make a good quality blog.To make a good vlog you will need to make your blog is very clear but interesting for the audience at the same time.You will also need to make sure that you have content that is relevant and extra information that is relevant to the task.Make sure to check for punctuation,spelling,and check with a buddy so you have no errors.Make sure you have got a catchy title to hook the reader in and one to two paragraphs explaining what you learnt,and make sure you add a label.Make sure you have got a good layout and font size,nice big colourful pictures that is interesting for the audience and used for preview.

EL4 Maths Strand Screen Castify

Today in my math strands group we put two pairs of socks in a bag ,one pair blue,one pair purple.We tried to find out what we were most likely to get odd socks or a pair of socks.Here's my ScreenCastify on how we worked it out.Enjoy watching.

Friday, 5 April 2019

The Shortest story ever

Today in Moana learning hub we did some six sentence stories.We got to choose what the topic was we could either use Character chooser or just make one up our selfs.Here is my six sentence story.This is the video that gave us some inspiration.This picture is of the requirements we needed to have in our six sentence story.

Once upon a time, there was a young talented horse.
In the paddock on the hills full of grass is where he lived.
This talented horse could jump over anything,high or low,he could jump higher than any horse in the land.
One day the horse's owner was organising him to go to the meat works,because he was no longer wanted.
The talented horse was very sad and confused on what was happening to him.
Then a loving person bought him off the work meat truck for eighty cents,they discovered that he loved jumping so they bet the world record for show jumping.

Friday, 29 March 2019

Year six camp at Camp Kaitawa 2019

A few weeks ago the year sixes,including me went on camp.We went to Camp Kaitawa which is close to lake Waikaremoana.We all had so much fun but the week went by too fast.Here's a little slide share of what we did.

Friday, 8 March 2019

W.B.S Nui Duathlon

Today we had the Nui duathlon.We got put into our house colours.Mine was yellow.After cheering and watching the other races,I started getting butterflies in my stomach.It finally our turn.We quickly lined up on the starting line "On your marks,set ,Go,"called Koka Rosie.I started jogging everybody over took me.I just listened to what my dad told me which was just keep a nice steady jog.After my three laps I was huffing and puffing.I quickly grabbed my bike and put my helmet on.I slowly jogged my  bike.After I lifted it over the bump.I swung my leg over my bike and started pedaling as fast as I could but I tried to catch my breath.After my two laps I jumped off and walked over another bump.I quickly got back on and biked up the road.I dumped my bike next skate ramp and ran.I really wanted to stop but I knew I couldn't so I just kept on running.Finally I got to the end and went through the tyres I was so thirsty.Even though I didn't get a placing I was just happy I tried my best.
Here are some pictures from this morning at the duathlon.

Thursday, 7 March 2019

W.B.S Swimming Sports

Last tuesday was the swimming sports,As soon as we arrived I could already feel the butterflies in my stomach.A few minutes later after we arrived,the parents came in then we were really squashed.My first heat was then called out .I went to line up behind the diving boards.It was finally my turn I stepped up onto the diving board."On your marks set", said Mr Shand in the MC(microphone)."BEEP,"went the buzzer .I dived off the board into the water.After I got past the flags I started kicking and paddling as fast as I possibly could.I had reached the other end.I slowly tuck my legs up and to a tumble.I continue kicking and paddling as fast I could.Finally I reached the other end.Once I reached the end I gasped for air,my heart stopped racing.Two more races to go I thought to myself.I may have came fourth but I knew I tried my best.That was only my freestyle.I still had breath stroke and back stroke.After that it was the finals I only got in for back stroke for the finals.I came last.But overall it was pretty good day and it was fun.
Here are some pictures.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019


Weeding down at Hamanatua stream

Te Kura
Ko Maunga Roa te
Ko Te Poho-o-Rawiri te
Ko Hamanatua te

Hamanatua is our Kaitiaki.Our school are like the guardians of Hamanatua because we are the guardians of it we must look after it that is why we weed,mulch,and check on the native plants down at the stream.As you can see that's in our school pepeha.
After walking up the footpath.My first reactions were "We're never gonna get this finished".I couldn't even see any of the native plants with all the fennel."All right everyone get to work",said Koka Jo and Koka Jodie.We all started walking around the native plants as we walked we had kinda squashed the fennel so you could see the plants.After a while we started using the spades to cut the fennel.Then we pulled the mulch back around the tree in a donut shape so it doesn't burn the plants.