Down at Hamanatua ,we have been mulching and weeding ,we put a lot of Mahi into it.To keep it looking nice and tidy,there was a jungle of fennel from all the rain we had. Kauri also came and helped with Ocean and Swish.
This term the jump jam team and I have practicing hard for the regional jump jam competition.We went away for a night and we came home with 1st place and a trophy.We were so proud and happy after we won.The practice payed off.We might be going to Nationals for Jump Jam in November.
In moana learning hub The level three writing group have been writing a chapter called escape from Kraznir.We have only completed the first chapter.If your wondering what Escape from Kranzir it is a fantasy/adventure writing activity.You get to create our character which is you with powers too.You also get to pick two characters out of four for your team of spies.So there are two kingdoms one is called Castle Krill.King Krill is currently the king.Nothing ever grows.Then there's Slinsil which is a kingdom with kind and wealthy people.Both of the kingdoms are split by a river.Slinsil has been hearing rumors that Kraznir is going to attack so you and your team of spies have to go steal the battle plans. We have also done some pieces of art.
We also had Harold and Anna in the life education truck teach us how to make good choices and what real friends are and what to do in situations that might happen life.
Wheels day.
Koka Terri recently had some po (posts) put up by some of her land that was given to her family during war.No one wanted to go to war but when Koka Terri's family they said yes we will go.So they went off to war and came back,because there bravery and that the fought in war they got some land given to them and they still have it.So in MLH we got to bring anything we wanted as long as it had wheels.I brought along a bike.
We also had a woman called Anna teach us first aid which could come really handy.We learnt the
Hello China, I really enjoyed your post about term 2. I liked how you included photos and lots of information for more detail. I think someone who wasn't there would know what it was like as you painted a picture in my mind. Although I noticed that maybe next time you could have checked over once more for sense and grammar. Overall, it was a amazing post. What did you like most about term 2? From Nellie.